Journal Recommendation




Consider your journal options when deciding on the best place to submit.

Wiley’s Journal Recommendation service delivers a detailed report on 3 journals from a range of publishers that are well matched to your article’s findings and your publication goals. We describe the rationale for including each journal in the report and provide key links and journal data to help you make an informed choice for your paper.

We do not perform peer review of your manuscript as part of the Journal Recommendation service; however, if you provide a range of impact factors, we will do our best to provide recommendations that meet your publishing goals.

Terms and Conditions

Wiley is confident that our Journal Recommendation service will provide high-quality and well-matched journal options for your consideration. Although we cannot guarantee publication, we stand behind our work and will work with each author to ensure that he or she is completely satisfied. Journal Recommendation does not include submission to any journal on the author’s behalf.
