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Manuscript Formatting

The Formatter will adjust citation, reference, and formatting conventions according to the guidelines of the specified journal. The Formatter will correct the layout of the document and standardize conventions. The Formatter will correct the format of all citations and references and provide comments indicating missing information in references or the title page.

Manuscript Formatting includes:

  • Formatting citations and references to guidelines of the specified journal
  • Formatting headings, including case, order, and preferred heading names
  • Correcting margins and line and sentence spacing
  • Correcting the location of figures and tables
  • Noting where the author must provide additional information or content

Save valuable time with Wiley’s manuscript formatting service.

Our skilled formatters will ensure that your manuscript and references are formatted according to the style guide of your target journal. We’ll focus on the small details so that you can focus on the big picture.

Wiley Manuscript Formatting allows researchers to save valuable time by having a skilled expert format their manuscript and references. Our managing formatters check each manuscript against your journal’s style guide and adjust the citations, references, and layout of the document to the correct conventions. All figures and tables are moved to the correct location in the manuscript, and figure titles and legends are standardized according to your journal’s specifications.

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Please note that SAGE Language Services is an editing service only, and using the service will in no way guarantee that your manuscript will be selected for peer review or accepted for publication. Journal editors independently assess manuscripts submitted for publication based on the quality and appropriateness of a manuscript for the journal, and their editorial evaluation will not consider whether or not a manuscript has been edited through SAGE Language Services.
